If I’m being Honest…

I hate to admit defeat for several reasons. One, to admit it out loud makes it feel real. Two, to acknowledge it at all seems to give it more power. And three, admitting to it feels like I’m not appreciating the silver lining, and there’s always a silver lining.

I have to say it out loud though, after this year in business, I’m feeling pretty defeated. I also have to let it be known that I’m saying it now for one reason, and one reason only: I’m not letting the feeling stop me.

I’m defeated, but I’m not backing down.

Every minute I spend on my business pulls me away from my family, and my family is my number one priority. I’m in my family era. It’s my current season in life and I want to soak it all in. If I’m privileged to live long enough, I’ll have time later on to afford to be selfish again. I want every minute with my family to count.

Every minute I’ve put into my business this year feels like it has gone unrewarded. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just been the name of the game this year, and I know other small businesses can relate. I put so much of myself into my business, and I haven’t seen a return this year.

If every minute has not only gone unrewarded, but also pulled me away from my family, I have to ask myself if my business worth my time and effort.

The answer is yes. It’s got to be yes.

It’s yes because with entrepreneurship comes power, options, and legacy. That is what I want for my family. And that should far outweigh the set backs.

I still think a small business can be successful. I think it has to ride the waves of uncertainty month after month, but I still think success can be the end game.

So that is why I’m admitting defeat. In life there are mountains and valleys. I do believe my business is in a valley, but I don’t believe that’s where it will stay forever. I want to ride the waves.

And I’m hard headed. Who knows if that’s not really just an attribute in disguise.


Holiday Checklist